not your summer eve glow
Firefly rolled her eyes at the words of the male, she should have expected such nonsense, almost every male she came across spouted some failed attempt at finding words to meet the beauty that she seemed to radiate. Beauty was only skin deep, the other skills and talents she had were far more useful than the looks she posessed, though granted the glory she'd been given had made her life easier in more ways than one.

She turned her emerald orbs to look at the male with such a look that could only say, can you be serious before she just sighed and gave him the cold hard truth of the words he'd spoken so seriously. "Hon, words along those same lines have flown from almost every male that's crossed my path. They get you nowhere here." Perhaps Ember would have fallen for those words or maybe he could have once swept Mew off her paws.. but Firefly was another story. She was dangerous and dark, belonging only to one male and he was protective and one hell of a bastard.

She listened with half an ear to the male as though she could think of a million better things to do that to be listening to his pathedic words of the past, of a past that she wasn't even really anything of. She flicked her ear slightly as she spoke as though she were bored of the male. "I'm charmed you find such fantasy in my name..." She growled softly as one of the puppies kicked, her eyes narrowing as she wished she could force them to behave already, but until they were out they had free reign to abuse the woman as needed and wanted. They were already off on the wrong paw, just like the fellow who wasn't taking the hints to just disappear.

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