An endless ring of light
DaVinci stared at the world before them as both men seemed locked in their own internal battles with demons. Some may have been darker than others and some may have just been the simple everyday events that rolled into chaos. He wished that it was easier to just push it all aside and start again. He knew though now that no matter how many times he tried to move along and start fresh that the past would still exist and that the world would still go on.

He just shook his head at the words that Pepe spoke as he picked at the railing before him. "Jefferson says we just have to let it all work itself out." he stared down at his scarred up paws as he admitted. "The waiting is the hard part. It makes you feel like there's nothing you can do." He hated to admit that Iskata was the one who would have to take the next step and sadly the whole pack seemed to be waiting for the move. When it came was up to her and they were all a little lost until she came to them again.

DaVinci chuckled to himself as he looked towards Pepe, "What do you want out of life, of life here?" It was a silly question, but a serious one as well. One that he was rather curious about. He'd played the same game with his son a daughter, now here was a grown man beside him and he seemed to be doing the same. These sort of games weren't dangerous as well.

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