drag me down
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... ktable.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Savina was out patrolling the borders on this particularly unpleasant blustery day. Unfortunately, she had been on the opposite side of the territory that Salem had stumbled onto. Things would have gone much differently if the case had been different though. If she had known what had been going on, it would not have ended well for the intruder. Not at all. The Lt. General didn't tolerate outsiders waltzing into the packlands, or harassing her packmates. But especially one of the pups. Such a thing was a highly punishable offense in her mind.

The wolfess was just coming upon the lake as the crying hit her ears. Her heart jumped into her throat and she ran as fast as she could towards the sound. Emerald orbs scanned everywhere and landed on the tiny black form of Salem. Oh gods, he was on the lake. Why was he on lake? If any of the pups had decided to wander onto the icy surface she would have thought it would be Haven, not Salem. In her panic to get him safely back to solid ground she didn't even think to pick up the smell of the perpetrator.

The obsidian fey got as close to the edge of the lake as she could. "Salem, it's going to be okay sweetie. Just listen to what auntie Savina tells you, alright?" Her voice was calm despite the worry wracking her mind and body. Gingerly she tested the ice with one paw. Nope. That wouldn't work. They were lucky that it was holding him up, there was no way it would support her weight. "Salem, try and scoot yourself towards me. Once you're close enough I'll be able to pick you up." She hoped that the small boy would be able to move himself around on the ice. The last thing she wanted to do was to walk out there and risk it breaking under her feet.


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