coat-hanger halos

OOC: Damn, sorry for the long wait!

Lubomir liked Bane quite a lot. The male was calm and collected and very polite. The Bluet found himself relaxing more and more and when the suggestion for a hunt came, the male finally smiled warmly. That seemed like the best thing in the world. He had never partaken in many hunts before and indeed once Skoll had taken him, he could find it hard to be around other people. Well, wolves. Hunting had been so different in the Old Country and in Shadowed Sun, but a companionable type would be a change. Then consider it agreed. I would be honoured to share your kill today and hunt with you soon. Just come to Dahlia's borders and call for me.

Not new. No, he was not new. These lands he had seen countless times in his wanders. What a weirdo he was. A stranger. He had always been a loner, even in the middle of his family, but it was clear that here the loneliness had bitten harder and he had shielded himself more and more. It was, in a sense, the reason for his quiet attitude. He had been respected in Shadowed Sun, a valuable member of the pack, who had risen through the ranks quickly. He wasn't sure how the Dahlia scenario would really play out. I came here in the spring, from the Old Country. My old pack was killed in an attack from an unknown assailant. I am the sole survivor. My sister's litters are probably still in the Old Country, but they no longer belonged to the pack. Although he had told the story a few times now, it did not make the pain any easier. He wondered if it would ever be easy to speak about them.

But it was the added question that threw Lubomir. Why indeed. He had no relatives. No pups. No mate. So why had he eventually limped back here? Staring at the black male, the grey tried to be as honest as possible. Mew. A female in this pack I joined. I have known her a long time now and gradually came to consider her a friend. She is, in a way, someone who could understand me. But I have wronged her and I do not know now if she could ever forgive me. So I prefer to hide and dream of leaving. Like a coward.

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