I recall the push more than the fall
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OOC: I've whipped out the vampire table and sorry for the delay and all D:

Lubomir watched her undergo the change. He saw the beautiful form melt away into the shift and almost belatedly realised that he too would have to shift. The derisive voice in his head did nothing to subdue his anger. Instead, he let it flow over him, engulfing his body and shifting the muscles. His bones stretched, his tendons tautened and where the grey male had stood now towered the Optime form of Lubomir. Though not impressive in height, for Skoll had been much bigger, the presence of the beast showed. Shaking himself, the grey male bared deadly fangs. His eyes, though slightly clouded, retained the spark of reason. He had not given in entirely, instead loosing the beast to a certain extent. Just as much as he needed.

The shift had left him weakened though, and he barely managed to scramble out of her way, to safety. Panting, he moved around, so he stood behind her and to the side, hoping she would turn around. In all truth, Lubomir was scared. He was terrified. He knew that she could take him down, simply by virtue of his lack of strength. But he had gone down this path and it had not brought him anything but fear and self-hate. If he could deliver one soul from the darkness within, he was willing to take that risk. "Savina, listen to my voice. Let it be your guide. Tell me the name of that whom you most cherish. Who is it, Savina?" Lubomir's voice kept the lower tone, but the shout was loud and clear. He wanted Savina to hear, not the one charging at him. The use of her name, he thought, would be an anchor in the storm, something to latch on to. "You would not hurt me, Savina. That is not you. Think about your loved ones. Tell me the names."


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