I try my best to be guarded
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/ ... blebg3.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom">

cakeMakin' it quick. I hate dragging on hunt-threads. :o PS, this is much longer than expected.

cakeBlack was an inconvenient colour, most particularily during the winter against a backdrop of snow, but Bane had, like many other wolves these days, learned to use intelligence as a primary weapon. This and common sense, as the humans had had, made the wolf the most dangerous animal on the planet, both to other creatures and themselves. Perfectly still and perfectly silent, Bane waited and watched as Ember left him and circled the boar. The footsteps she left behind were the only sign she had ever walked there, and they too would fade in time.

cakeIt was a young animal, though still fairly large, with tusks and sharp hooves to defend itself with, but in his entire existence Bane had never seen one purposefully attack a werewolf unless crazed or cornered. This animal seemed to be neither. Lazily it sniffed the ground, moving aside the snow to search for possible nourishment. Ember kept silent and stealthy, careful and patient enough in her movements to await the right moment. When she leapt out from where she had chosen to hide, the sudden movement and her growl breaking the stillness, the boar immediately tensed and ran like any typical wild animal. Perhaps it believed it could outrun her. Four-legged wolves were faster than the two-legged variety.

cakeTensing himself, Bane watched with his piercing blue eyes as it neared him, throwing up the snow behind it. Bracing himself as it veered around a tree, Bane lunged out, spear in hand. Startled, the boar turned, only to find the other black wolf directly behind it. With its face hidden, Bane instead aimed to maim it and with a steady arm threw the spear as he neared. Out of practice on two legs, his aim was a little off, and the spearhead embedded itself in the animal's back rather than neck. It squealed, high-pitched, in fear, and even as it did so Bane already had it by one of its back legs as he covered its mouth and nose with his free hand, a knee on its spine to hold it down. He was careful to avoid the front hooves as he did this, but didn't fear for injury either way, knowing Ember would likely have it pinned down any moment now. All they would have to do then would be wait for it to stop breathing.


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