Give a Damn About Falling
500+. Writing this at 3 in the morning, forcing every other word makes this post a disaster.

Geneva's eyes shot up to Anu's face when she alluded to the evening they had shared at the lighthouse. What she had said in passing had been a jest, and the gray wolfess knew that. She couldn't deny a small twinge at the mention, but it wasn't overwhelming. It didn't rob her of the sense of relief and happiness. In fact, it barely registered in the back of her head. What she felt was a sense of relief that their encounter was not something to forget, to sweep under the rug as a private shame. What had happened had been awkward, and could have ended badly, but it hadn't.

She felt dismayed when Anu turned her face away. Was she ashamed of that night? Geneva was ashamed of her actions that night, for saying things that were better left unsaid. However, the damage was proverbially done. Nothing had happened that night. Nothing except perhaps both of them had found a ghost of a possibility of something that could have existed between them. But that was all it had been. A ghost. And Geneva knew that. The fact of the matter was that something had happened at the lighthouse, and it had been neither positive nor negative. But something had happened, and Geneva couldn't let it fester like a wound. Especially when it brought a stricken look to her blue eyed friend. That was the very last thing she wanted to see in those usually smiling blue eyes.

She dropped the legs of the buck, striding forward to stand in front of the other wolfess. She hesitated for a moment, but then she reached out. She put her hands gently on Anu's shoulders. Gently, but firmly, as the other had done at the light house that night. She felt no shame in the touch, no strange little butterflies. This was her friend, and she'd do all she could to spare her this hurt.

"Anu," she said, softly but with a thread of steel in the velvet quiet of her voice. "Look at me. We can't act as thought that night didn't happen. It won't go away just because we want it to." She took a breath. "I need to be honest with you. I care very deeply for you, and it startles me. There is part of me...and I don't know how big a part...that I never knew was there before. But you need to know, with or without that part of me, the fact that I care about you will not change." She dropped her hands to her sides, curling her fingers slightly.

Geneva loved to listen, but she hated to talk. And at this moment there was something very vulnerable about her. She felt like she couldn't breathe for a moment, but pushed past her. Her silence was her self defense, but Anu had never attacked her. She held that knowledge close as she continued. "I know where your loyalties lie, but you need to know where mine fall. And my loyalty falls with you. As your friend." She looked into that beautiful face and smiled. "Regardless of if I ever wanted more, my priority is what's best for you. What's best for you is what makes you happy. I have no intention of jeopardizing that happiness."


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