runaway on a leash

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indent Icarus wasn’t really sure what he was going to find in Clouded Tears to keep him entertained, but something in the back of his mind told him that he wouldn’t be disappointed. It might take some time to actually discover something, but he knew that said something would pop up eventually. He just hoped that eventually would be sometime before his curfew came into effect.

indent The brown colored pup bounded along through the snow, coating his belly in soft flakes that melted in the air and caused his fur to clump in small rivets. He was still a pup, but already he could tell that he was getting bigger. In no time, he would loose his milk teeth and be hunting with the rest of Storm. He just sort of hoped that that time would come sooner.

indent The voice that came then startled him and Icarus lost the rhythm that had been carrying him along so nicely. His bounding paws tripped up and sent the Storm pup flying forwards, and tumbling in the crusted snow. "Owww." He groaned, looking up as he waited for the world to stop spinning. As it came to a rest, an unfamiliar black face was looking towards him. "Where’d yah come from? I ‘idn’t even see yah was there!" He regained his footing and shook himself off, sending bits of snow flying free from his coat. "You must be a Clouded Tears pup. I’m Icarus. I'm from Storm."


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