I recall the push more than the fall
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
No worries!


The beast snarled as he stumbled out of the way. Claws dug into the earth to stop herself. The wolf turned to face him again, eyes ablaze. But at his words her ears twitched and for a second her gaze flashed back to normal. Tell me the name of that whom you most cherish. Who is it, Savina? Lost inside the monster, she was rallied by those words. Using all her power she focused on her beloved: Kansas. She pictured his face, his smell, the feel of his hand on her face. The beast closed its eyes and shook its head. It was losing hold. "...Kansas..." It said in an almost unworldly voice. Suddenly the image of his face after the fight flashed into her mind. How he wouldn't even look at her. The beast roared, clutching its head. That had given it another surge of anger, though it was only at herself and no one else. Still, it managed to grab a firmer hold again and began to run at Lubomir.

As her body charged forward, not in her own control, Savina's will power grew. NO! I will not hurt him. I will not hurt ANYONE! Once again she focused on her mate. She thought of the day that he had asked her to be his mate. Out on the porch of the mansion where they had first met. She remembered the joy that had washed over her at the idea that he wanted to be with her and only her. And how she had felt exactly the same way. STOP THIS! In its steps the monster faltered, crashing to the ground. It slid up right to the feet of the gray male. With closed orbs, her body began to melt back into its natural form. Hulking muscles were replaced with slender lines. Once the process was over, her form still laid there silent, unmoving.


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