I try my best to be guarded
nom nom nom. My table looks better in IE. -stabs at table-

This way of hunting seemed much easier than the way that she normally went about things. It was harder with just one wolf, too, she supposed. Ember did want to find a weapon of her own eventually, one that she might use to hunt...but she didn't know which to pick. There were many. She also wasn't sure about what the human city might have to offer, or what others in the area might already have. She wanted one that would set her apart from the other warriors in the tribe--something interesting.

She put her weight down onto the boar as well, helping to keep it pinned to the ground, waiting for its breaths to cease. She could feel the pulse of the beast's heartbeat under her hands, where she was putting pressure onto the animal, and she stared at her hand. Her own heart was beating quickly, as she was still recovering from the run, and for a moment she was unsure of whose pulse she was feeling; the boar's or hers.

It only took a few minutes for the creature to go limp, and she got up shakily, rubbing her hands together. "Well, that's that. Good job."


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