Heart of the Hunter
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A light smile flickered across the young fae’s maw. "I do not believe in coincidence." There almost seemed to be something enigmatic, something dark, about the way she stated that fact. And yet, there was something else flickering there, something lighter. "The Dreamers...well, they Dream." She laughed momentarily before continuing. "Dreamers are no different from the rest of us. Merely, they are connected more deeply to the gods and to nature, and this happens naturally—they’re born this way. Their Dreams come naturally, but they can call dreams too." She paused, considering Slay momentarily. "It is possible to discard a dream. It happens to some. The same Dream cannot be regained, however. A new one must be obtained." Pausing once more, she continued to answer his next inquiry. "The Long Nights are a rite of passage from childhood into adulthood. We go out into the remote wild on our own to experience nature and the gods more acutely. It is with the Long Nights that one discovers their Dream." Perhaps, if he truly was a Seer or a Dreamer, he would one day allow himself to let go of the past. She would definitely want to be there with him.

As he signified their nearness to the deer, the female turned her maw to sniff at the indicated grass. Then she lifted her gaze to the male once more, listening intently to his instructions. She didn’t want to mess up, especially when she herself was looking forward to sampling the deer meat. Nodding curtly, she smiled her understanding and turned to do as she was told. When he spoke again, she paused, looking over her shoulder with an understanding smile. "Perhaps the excitement comes in not knowing." Then she slipped silently through the dying brush.

The circle she made was wide, perhaps overly so. Yet, she felt that it was better to be careful than not. She could smell the deer, but she couldn’t see them. Silently, she picked her way through the foliage, careful to not make a sound. She knew that even if she were to make a sound, that it wouldn’t necessarily ruin it, for many animals that didn’t threaten the deer would be walking through the forest. But once more, she was exercising extra caution. When she approached the bubbling river, she paused at its bank, considering the distance. It wasn’t a large one. Backing up, she bounded several times before leaping over the cold water. She barely made it, but she cleared the water with the graceful arc of her body. Satisfied with this small feat, she continued on her way. It wasn’t long before she found the deer. There were three of them, and all of the deer were does. Cocking her head, she wondered briefly where the buck was before she returned to Slay.

"There are three does; two are younger and the third is an older one," the woad-marked female reported cheerfully. "I’m not very familiar with the organizational structures of deer, but isn’t there usually at least one buck?" She was curious, for she was unsure. But she hoped that it would not matter, and that the hunt would soon take place.


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