Like a piece of the puzzle that falls into place
[html]Empusa hadn't met anyone new in quite a while--at least, not any new adults. She had met a few pups from other packs, and a couple of the other Lykoi children from this clan. They were interesting to her, the other Lykois...she wondered if they thought that she was interesting. For the most part she was ignored by the other coyotes, except for Faolin. Faolin was a mother-type figure for her, as close to a real mother as Empusa would get. Her true mother had dissapeared the same day that she had been denied entrance to Inferni.

"Yes, zat is vhat I am thinking as well. I have seen others go inside...but I do not know if I am allowed. Have you been inside?" She was curious. What was it like in there? It'd be so cool to get inside...but she couldn't shift to open the door. Defeat.

"I agree--It has been here for as long as I have been...I remember it. But I wonder who originally made it? Maybe ze wolves...zis territory smells of them"

She realized that she hadn't told the older coyote her name, and she quickly introduced herself. "I am Empusa Lykoi--grand-daughter to Kaena Lykoi, ze previous leader. Though I do not know why that makes any difference. Are you another relative of mine zat I did not know about?" There had been plenty of those so far.[/html]

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