Don't wake me if I'm dreamin'
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A smile lit up her face, happy that she had come up with something to help. Briskly she stood back up and walked out into the cold. Her body shuddered at the sudden decrease in temperature, but she ignored it. She walked down the steps into the snow and bent down to scoop some of the cold powder into her hands. Pressing it together, she made a flat lump that Nani would be able to put on her hand. Ears swiveled back to catch the Commander's words. "Okay! Be in in a moment!" she called back. After adding a bit more snow to her improvised ice pack she headed back in to the warmth of the house.

Savina placed the pact snow in her friend's bandaged hand. "There! Hopefully that will help, and not melt too fast." The Italian wolf was still learning the specifics about snow and ice, having minimal experience with them before this. But she had quickly learned that inside the house the snow melted. She had been keeping an eye on the various entrances to keep them relatively free from the water, not wanting anyone to slip in it. "What was it that you wanted to talk about?"


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