there's no inbetween


i have come curiously close to the end.

cakeThe sun called her name like the lover she'd never had, and she answered its call obediently, feet thudding in the snow as she ran. Talitha rarely walked when she could run; this echoed her philosophy on life, namely that it was to be lived, and fuck anyone who disagreed. She'd sleep when she was dead. The boredom she'd hoped to abandon at the mansion trailed behind her like a length of rope, with one end attached to her neck; she'd be damned if it were going to catch up, though. This noose wouldn't kill her.

cakeLeaping like her tail was on fire, tearing up the snow behind her, the dog-coloured girl spashed through the river that ran through the lands, breaking the thin ice atop of it. She was on two legs, because she preferred it this way, even though it brought back memories she'd rather have forgotten. It was getting easier, or so she told herself. Ducking under some tree branches, she caught a scent in the air, one that she had caught in the mansion recently but had never managed to put a face to. Slowing down and breathing heavily, the girl stretched her arms as she stared through the flurries that fluttered like falling clouds before her. Some guy, someone who wasn't related to her -- hell, that was new. Grinning to herself, she caught sight of the stranger in the distance, and the book he held. As she walked, she called out, voice breathless but strong nonetheless.

cake"Reading? What kind of fuckery is this? There's a whole damn world out there, you could be doing somethin' fun!" Though her voice was teasing, she stopped a good fifteen feet from the young man and didn't move closer. This was almost a test, but only in her twisted view of the world. There were two men in the world she trusted, and this fellow was neither of them. Didn't mean she couldn't have fun with him, though.


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