i got nobody on my side
Zana watched the other with an unsure look plastered across her face. The long legged lady before her made her nervous, but she didn't seem to be ready to start rampaging across the sands once more just yet. Her ears flicked back slightly, unsure if the woman was staring at her like she'd done something wrong, she'd seen that look before with other adults but she'd never stopped to ask why they kept looking at her like that. She was a puppy after all and her mind did flit back and forth from thought to thought.

When the woman's sharp reply came the girl ducked down lower again and flinched. She couldn't help the little whine that crept from her throat as she stared down at her paws, the older lady making her feel like she really was in trouble now with her sharp tongue and the questions she threw at her. Here was another though that promised there were no monsters in Inferni. She glanced up to the relative as she whispered softly. "No monstwers?" She just had to be sure.

Her chest heaved as she tried to take a deep breath that seemed to be drawn in like a shudder before she turned those soft lavender orbs to the lady again, trying to find answers. "You was killing swands.. hads to hides.." She didn't like admitting that she was afraid of the lady but Zana had ran from the monster with a cover story about finding her father.. and yet here she was all caught up in doing just that now as she honestly answered the stranger. "I is S'ana Lie-chu" she said softly, shyly as she threw the question back. "Who's yous?"

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