There is a time for everything
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Adelaida smiled to herself as the female drop the stick and stone in surprise, fumbling to pick them back up again. So often Adelaida was the awkward one, caught at the wrong moment doing the wrong thing, always saying what another person didn’t want to hear. It felt good to know it happened to others as well and having caught someone else at an awkward moment gave her a boost of confidence. Straightening herself a bit to appear taller, Adelaida casually sat down, her eyes still watching Mew’s every move. "Nice to meet you Mew." Her voice came out calm, even at a normal pitch, and Adelaida was surprised to hear herself speak so clearly.

It was easy to keep this façade of confidence, even with Mew shifted. The Luperci still made her uncomfortable; the female was bigger than her, stronger and faster. Yet when Adelaida grew weary of staring at the unnatural body she glanced to the fishing pole, unconsciously wrinkling her nose in disgust. Why would anyone fish with one of those when they had perfectly good fangs? Adeladia couldn’t understand it. "Why are you making one? I’m sure somewhere in Wolfville you could find one." Ade was pleased she knew enough about the lands to know this. She had, after all, been born in the lands, she knew that Wolfville was filled with shops full of odds and ends, and houses were crammed with remnants of human life. Surely a fishing pole existed somewhere? Adelaida eyed Mew critically, sweeping over the fishing pole again, thinking to herself what a waste of time human contraptions were.


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