there's no inbetween

cakelol, oh yeah. XD

i have come curiously close to the end.

cakeWell, that was entirely not the reaction Tal had been looking for. Leaning sideways, the girl balanced her weight on one hip and stared at the stranger as he pondered her words, closing his book as he did so. Then he opened his mouth and began to speak, and her own mouth opened slightly as well, and she simply continued to stare. Fun things? Books? It was fun if they had pictures. Fun, maybe, if you didn't have ADD like her. The fact that he didn't even crack a smile baffled her, and she knew she was dealing with a near-hopeless case here. Hey, she had been bored, maybe this was exactly what she needed -- a challenge.

cake"Why the hell would anyone do that? Spend all their time lying? Why not just tell people you don't feel like it?" Tact had never lent the german-shepherd coloured hybrid his hand. Realising belatedly she didn't really care what else he had to say on the matter, she continued before he went on with his incessantly boring speech. "Whatever, Bunbury. If you think there's fun to be had in books, you ain't never had fun. Lemme guess, that dye job you got, wasn't your idea, was it?" Unfortunate, because she rather liked it. As she spoke, she shoved strands of thick red-brown hair from her face, wetting her fur on the snow that clung to it. Under the hair there was a grin, wide on her face as she watched him, hoping for a reaction, any kind, really. If she was right, and he wasn't just having a blah day, she'd have to take the poor kid under her wing. Everyone deserved their chance.


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