Don't wake me if I'm dreamin'

"Ah! Thank you!!" She held the chunk of snow to her hand, wincing at first. It hurt! But after a few seconds the pain went away, and a nice numb feeling began to spread through the swollen area. It felt a lot better now that the pain was gone, and she fought the urge to pick up the snow to look at it. Naniko was good at helping people out and healing them, but when it came to her own injuries she was horrible. She always picked at the bandages, tried to take casts off prematurely, or tried to do too much too fast.

"More exciting pack stuff. I know that we talked about having co-ranks before...but I wanted to see what you thought about them. About some members becoming specified in certain things. I know that I would go in as a healer; healing is my life, really. And Jazper...he's done so much with teaching the pups--I think that he would make a great Sensei" She walked back into the warmer part of the house, motioning for Savina as best as she could. "And is there anything else that you can think of that needs to get done around here?"


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