there's no inbetween

He realised he was with someone of an entirely different nature than him, and would have to act accordingly. At the same time he didn't risk acting out of character- he didn't have it in him. Gig shoved his book into his bag and slung it over his shoulder, finally standing up. He moved towards her a few steps, still keeping a distance, before she spoke. He blinked, considering her words. 'Sometimes-- well, sometimes, you don't want to offend anyone--' the male started, trying to construct a logical theorem. He would never get the chance to fully flesh out his thought for she had gone off again, efficiently cutting him off. 'My name's n--" Giggle started, and then shut his mouth quickly, as the opportunity presented itself. If she wanted to call him Bunbury- and Bunbury was surely a more respectable name than Giggle- by all means, let her. He could withdraw his name! Especially in this case, as he was certain the free spirited girl would mock him for it.

Her question surprised him. Nobody had asked him that before; they'd just assumed he was trying to be unique. He looked away for a moment, and then back, shrugging. 'It- my brother played a prank on me.' Self-consciously he covered it, before adjusting the wrap on his scarred arm. 'He was a tad bitter. Maybe because his name was Giggle.' Where had that come from? Not that his brother's real name was better, but then-- was he saying Giggle was his only brother or his second brother? Second, he decided. Here would be an opportunity to go bunburying, even if it was on a small scale. The coyote almost smiled but didn't. The girl was -- well, he liked her, anyway, and who knows, maybe they could be friends, or something along those lines. It would be better than having a bunch of faceless acquaintances, anyway. 'What's your name?' He asked, curiously, letting his arms dangle uselessly by his side.


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