chains that bind
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Okay then.

Catherine was noticing that he was wanting to talk. It didn't sound good to her. His voice ws pretty annoying, but she had to hold her feeling - and her tongue - while he was near her. She was beginning to give up focusing so hard, if he wanted to talk so badly. His smell was of a hybrid, but she didn't even cared about it. She wasn't preconceptionist about anything. Herself wasn't really normal. Her weird stripes and eyes wasn't the most common thing in the world. "I don't really know. Maybe because if you learn to ride then, you can go faster to somewhere?" she asked retorically to him, aswering his question bitterly.

She flinched at his scream, and all her attention was caught by something reddish gold, though she already knew it was not a pup. It was just a plant, but he didn't notice that and runned toward it. She sighed as she watched his desapointing to see it was not what he expected. She felt pitty of him, but didn't reached to him to comfort him. Something was telling her that her compassion wouldn't be welcome.

A sudden harsh filled the silence around them, and her head turned from the plant to the sky, and she grinned as she saw a dark shape in contrast with the white, fluffy clouds get nearer the ground. Seymour landed on her hand, harshing lower to her. She knew low speech enough to understand what he meant. She made a face toward the male as she explained to him. "I hate to tell bad news, but he said the pup is not here. I'm sorry." she said, honestly to him, feeling bad to him. In a hand, she would get rid of him. In the other, he would go without anything. She felt pitty of him once again.

"If you want, I go with you to the borders." she offered. She knew of his ...hate to Seymour, so she just launched the bird in the air one more time without saying anything. He knew that if she need him, sh would call him. She just stared at the Hybrid blanky, waiting for him.


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