i got nobody on my side
She stared up at the woman with a slight pout to her lips as she tried to confirm that there were no monsters. She was the third or forth clanmember who had told her that but she still wanted confirmation from each and every soul she met along the way. Sooner or later she'd find the monster in the clan but for now she was safe. Her little round eyes blinked, long eye lashes touched her cheeks a moment as she hoped that every one of them was right. Monsters were bad news.

The laughter that seemed to assult her ears made her scowl at the lady who was now laughing. She shook her head and whined. "Yous could has killed me.." she said softly and seriously. She pawed at the sands that the woman had said couldn't be killed but they seemed to be pretty beaten up and battlescarred. She looked back up to the woman suddenly though when the young lady's voice had told her to stop. Her ears flicked back in confusion as she wondered what she did wrong. Another slight whine broke fron her throat as once more the woman went on.

She was slightly afraid to answer the lady but she'd seen the way she'd tore up the sands, and that had been with her paws alone. She didn't want to find out what she could do with her teeth. "Don't knows da.. and no go back to monstwers.." she said firmly as she glared up at the woman. She couldn't and she wouldn't make her return to the monster. The stubborn little girl stared up at this crimson eyed sandrunner and just waited.

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