the night is cold and long

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

Hybrid was glad Pilot was being so compliant (not that he usually wasn't). Perhaps this agreeableness only seemed to be heightened by his fuzzy state of mind? Or perhaps Hybrid had never fully appreciated how much Pilot had given him until now. The most likely case, however, was that the alcohol was making him a little tipsy and making him consider things he never would have otherwise.

Pilot dropped down, clumsily pawing at Hybrid's legs, causing Hybrid to stumble back a bit, trip over the bottle Pilot had long since discarded, and land heavily on the floor. He hit his head on the hardwood floor as he fell and his vision wavered for a moment, fading to black, then swimming back. "We-eellll," Hybrid mumbled, trying to reach up with his one hand to rub the back of his head, but found it sticky with liquor. He sniffed it; vodka? Or, wait, had someone peed there? Hybrid frowned, wondering why he couldn't tell the two smells apart, then grinned; it didn't matter. He brought the bottle he was still holding up to his lips and took a long drink, spilling some on his chest, but managing not to miss by some miracle or other. He held the bottle out to Pilot (or tried to), then fell back in a heap, giggling wildly. He reached out for the other man and tried to pull him closer, fumbling awkwardly and trying to find the man's waist (or something to hold onto). It couldn't be too far away.


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