The one that I tried to write

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haha, that'd be crazy awesome!
Merit stared at the small canine before him. She was not familiar to him, and for this reason, Merit regarded her with interest. For a while, he had believed that he and his siblings were the only pups in all of 'Souls. But now, he'd learned that it was not so, especially after meeting another girl. He watched her quietly as she flattened her fur from its former position on end, which he assumed meant she had been frightened.

It was a funny thought, to think that he, Merit, had frightened someone. He smiled at the thought, realizing how truly unfrightening he really was. Still, it made him slightly proud to realize that he could make someone a bit worried. When she spoke, his emerald eyes widened slightly. A coyote? He'd heard his mother speak briefly of them, and he'd heard about Inferni before. His mother had said they were on good terms, if he could remember correctly. That meant he better not do anything stupid. When she spoke of being a princess, he raised his eyebrows. A princess? Really? "Oh," he said plainly, unsure how to go about speaking to a princess.

What came next was thoroughly unexpected. A girl wanted to fight him. What the--? Sure, he'd play fought with his sisters before, but never with another puppy. And a girl at that. A princess, even more! " Fight you? That kinda 'illy don't you think?" he questioned, cocking his head to the side. What an interesting meeting this was turning out to be!


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