I sunk below where I swore I would never go

Her eyes were glimmering with tears, like emeralds at the bottom the ocean. She looked so hurt, but she was still beautiful. There was something pleading about them, and he couldn't have begrudged her even if he'd wanted to. Her hand against his was cool. He hoped some of the chill inside her was falling away, and the tears still in her eyes were among the last she would cry today. No matter how hurt he felt, he just wanted to see her smile again.

His hand left her cheek, taking her fingers with it, resting at her knee. He listened as she told of someone who had helped her; he fought back the tinge of skepticism when she didn't give a name. She'd found help and that was all that mattered... And he felt his chest and face warm with pleasure as she continued. Even if he lacked the skill to cure her of her problem, she could think of him and be peaceful. "That means so much to me," he told her with blunt but happy sincerity.

"...Of course I do. I'd never hold something against you, not something like this." That small, boyish smile. "We... we can put it behind us, I think." Kansas was not an optimist. But this time, he really believed they could move forward. He kissed her. He didn't want her to feel badly about this anymore, because he didn't.


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