I sunk below where I swore I would never go
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Fwee! Wrap this one up and then zomg baby-making time? I'll send you a PM with idears.

The shackles that had been suffocating her heart finally burst open. The last remaining tears in her eyes turned to ones of thankful elation. The Sadira male had become the biggest and most important part of her world. As long as they had each other and were alright the rest would work itself out. She wished that she could promise him that she would never ever let him down again, but she knew that there was no way to guarantee that. But she would do everything she possible could to avoid anything like this ever happening again. Never again did she want to be the cause of his displeasure.

As he kissed her she moved one hand to run through the hair on the back of his head. It felt like forever since they had kissed. It reaffirmed that they were going to be able to move on and put this whole mess behind them (but she would never let herself forget). Savina looked into his eyes, a happy light once more flickering in her own. "I love you Kansas. More than anything in the world." Her thin fingers played with his mane, loving the feel of his fur between them.


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