I don't know how to jump

There were times when Kieran had put himself to a specific task for some time, feeling that it had to get done before anything else. But recently, the Luperci had decided to do whatever little thing the pack needed him to do. One day, there was one task, and the next brought another. He took things as they came at him, happy with just that. So, perhaps he didn’t understand exactly how the hunter felt about performing his task each day. At least it seemed that way judging by Lucifer’s reaction to his words. He frowned slightly at that, though he perked up a bit at his packmate’s question.

“Uh… I’ve been here ‘bout three or four months, I suppose. Gotten rather used to the place in that time.” The pack felt more like a home now than it had the first day he had stumbled across the border. “You arrived in Jaded Shadows more recently, if I’m not mistaken?” That was what he assumed, anyway. He hadn’t run into Lucifer during his first couple of months there, but maybe he just missed him. It still seemed like there were more and more pack members around that he wasn’t acquainted with.


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