Swallow and let it slide

indent With the ban now lifted, Icarus had the freedom to travel to any of the neutral territories. Anything else was off limits, with the exception of Clouded Tears. At least, that’s what dad had said after Icarus had been barred home for quite some time due to his little adventure into Inferni. Dad had gone out to do some of his pack business, and Icarus couldn’t get either of his siblings to go out and play with him. It was a bummer, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t entertain himself. After all, he did have a rather large imagination.

indent Yawrah had grown rather familiar to him now, but it did look a lot different now that the top had frozen over. His dad had told him not to go too close, for he didn’t want to fall in. Yet the curiosity of a young mind had got to him, and Icarus had traveled out here just to get a closer look.

indent At one part, Yawrah split into two separate paths, leaving a strip of land in between. Sure, he’d have to cross two rivers to get across. However, the plus side was that each river was considerably smaller than the spots where the two reformed together. He couldn’t go to the distant pack Jaded Shadows that lay on the other side of the river, but he could go to Haunted Forest. He decided after playing with the icy river for a bit, he’d probably go there. He had heard that the trees were really creepy there.

indent He placed a paw on the frozen ice and watched as moving water moved beneath. Dad said not to go near the river, but Icarus had already disobeyed. Now, he had an even bigger motive in mind. He was going to cross it! He got a running start, and then bounded onto the frozen river. He could feel it crackling beneath his weight, so his tried to scurry across – though that was harder than it sounded, considering the ice didn’t offer much traction. Yet, he managed to fling himself across before plummeting below. Now, he just had to cross the other side. That wouldn’t be too hard, right?


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