you seem like you'd be a good dad
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Where had everyone gone? Round violet eyes blinked to clear the sleep from their edges. The dim light of morning had barely reached the entrance to the cave. For some reason the home just didn’t seem like one. It was dank and cold as she slept alone. Thin stalks of straw and hay softened the ground and the blackest hid her body from the winter’s air, but it was too lonely to feel like home.

Large round paws brought her from her bed and into the crisp air. They grew cold against the snow, making her hop from the different paw tracks that led to and from the mansion that always stood close by. Once with in its doorway she began to feel the warm embrace she had been missing. Nose to the air she found only the dim fragrance of the family that spent their nights with in its walls.

The stairs were large, calling for her to jump one at a time. She hopped up again and again, stopping periodically to look upwards and determine her progress. Many times she felt that it was a never-ending journey, one stair at a time, but she pressing on until the ended on the second floor. Noises could be heard, though faint and hushed. She let out a childish whine, unsure who was up and not wanting to spent their time with her.

The earthen colored child moved down the hall, closer and closer to the door that hid the voices. She found herself in front of the room Kansas had claimed, though Mati was aware that her aunt Savina could be found there as well. Her nose touched the wood, testing its weight. The voices behind it were high pitched, laughter and maybe mixed with a deep tone. A paw nudged the timber, her feelings of being left out overwhelming.

Ignorant to the customary knock and pause Mati entered quietly but with no reason to ask permission. With a few quick movements she was inside the room, and beside the bed that they laid on. She looked up to see white and black fur mixing under the fur and blankets that made their bed. Seeing that it was to high for her to jump she let out another impatient whine.


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