you seem like you'd be a good dad

As her mate's form stirred her tail wagged softly underneath the furs and blankets. At his sigh she leaned forward and nibbled lightly where the dark ring was pierced into his ear. Ever since he had come home with that one day it had been a target for her mouth and fingers to play with. She had never seen anyone with a piercing before, but she liked it. The dark color of the metal was a nice contrast to his milky coat. He really seemed to like it, so of course it made her happy as well. "Couldn't be better. I'm laying here with the man that I love. I don't need anything else," she said as she licked the tip of his nose.

By the time the grin was on his face it was too late to stop the tickle assault. The girl burst out in a fit of laughter as Kansas' fingers poked her sides. "Hahaha...y-yess..." Her body squirmed under his tickling fingers and she was unable to stop her giggling. Savina was a very ticklish wolf so it didn't take much. Moisture pooled at the corners of her eyes with all of the laughing she was doing. She was so distracted by what was going on in their bed that she didn't notice the door to their room opening. But the whine that was so close was enough to snap her out of it. She looked over the side of the bed to see Mati looking up at them longingly.

"Oh...hi there sweetie! Is something wrong?" she asked as she lifted the pup's little brown form onto the cushy surface of the blankets. The sable fey took some deep breaths, trying to regain her composure from the unexpected tickle attack. Looking to Kansas she lightly pinched one of his arms before turning her attention back to Mati.


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