you're yesterday's child to me

It explained some things--that initial disturbance in DaVinci's character he'd found when the gimp had first come across that obnoxious silver nuisance. He'd mentioned then something about hating his mother or something to that extent; Jefferson couldn't really remember much from that far back, but somewhere along the line, such feelings must have been discarded by mother and son alike. Jefferson supposed it was why he wasn't looking into families, love, or anything... and he wasn't planning on raping anything, so he figured he wouldn't have much to worry about. But in the meantime, the beast had been there to calm down DaVinci that first time. He'd been there to calm down Iskata when she'd spoken about Phoenix and her other children. He'd been there to calm DaVinci again after the bear attack, and now he was here, hearing out what Iskata had to say. Puzzles were finally beginning to be placed together to create some sort of general picture. It was all pretty complicated to Jefferson and his simplistic little mind.

"...It's in the past now, Iskata," he said calmly, taking on an unusually sympathetic look and shaking his head. "DaVinci's here now, and he doesn't care anymore. He has his own kids to worry about." He looked down a moment, then reached up a claw and scratched at the back of his neck. "Everyone has regrets like that. You can't let that stop you now. All my sins are on my body." The body littered with scars, gashes, crimes. "You get weighed down... but not stopped. You can only stop yourself."


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