i got nobody on my side
Zana just sat there watching this strange woman before her, she seemed to be just as distracted as Zana was yet the small child made no comment, she didn't understand just yet what distraction was and what the little shows of emotion that played across Tal's face meant. She might have actually been worried if she understood all the worries and fears of the adults but she didn't and it was better now for her that she didn't. The weird Lykoi child just smiled up at the stranger who was no longer strange to her as she finally seemed to take notice of Zana once more.

With the assurance from Tal that she didn't have to leave and that no one would take her back to the monster the small hairless beribboned tail of the hybrid pounded on the sand, if Tal hadn't killed it first it was dead now as the lilac ribbons scattered the small grains further away from the little girl. She grinned up at the girl that looked just like Gabriel as she laughed at finding so many family members, though they didn't seem to be anywhere close by, no one had come to say hello yet. "I has to stays with Zweke and Gabbs.." she lowered her head slightly as she sighed. "Sobbe don't wike me though.." she said sadly. The one small figure that everyone seemed to think she might get along with since she was closest to age wanted nothing to do with her and tried to get rid of her at all times.

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