I recall the push more than the fall
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Psh! Is not short!

It...it had worked? Really worked? She wanted to pinch herself to make sure that this wasn't some kind of dream. Everything was alright. She hadn't hurt him. Her body felt a bit weak, but nothing that alarmed her. Savina rolled to lay on her stomach. Tentatively she tried to lift herself up on her legs, but felt them shake underneath her weight. It seemed those transformations really took it out of her. "Y-Yes. If you could help me at least sit up, that would be great. I think I'll need to just sit for a few moments though." The wolfess had already taken a physical blow from the fight, she knew better than to overly exert herself right now.

As he spoke again she looked at him, tears brimming in her eyes. "It...worked. I was able to stop it. Lubomir...I'll never be able to thank you enough. This means so, so much to me. I just..." The feeling of relief that washed over her was overwhelming. She burried her face in his fur without even thinking about it. "Ringraziarla. Ringraziarla così molto." Savina had found that in times like these she slipped back into her native tongue without even realizing it for the most part. Like it was easier to say that way. Not that it was hard to give him her thanks. She doubted anything would ever to be able to repay him for what he had given her.

After a few moments of silence she recomposed herself, taking a few deep breaths. "Fatigued, but aside from that alright." She would be able to make her own way back to the house, but she still needed a few moments of rest.


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