If only time flew like a dove


The sun warmed his black fur nicely as he lay beside his leader, ears perked happily. It was good to be in Crimson Dreams, everything was under control, safe. Naniko and Savina had done a wonderful with the pack and the family was large, with a vast range of wolves and even a coyote and mix thrown into the bunch. With a deep breath he sighed, "Sure always worry about the pup." Rolling over on his side he stuck out his tongue playfully at Naniko, "So Nani, where you just born to be a leader or did you just learn it? I mean I use to think about one day running a pack but this is just home now. Don't think I could ever have enough heart to move away. I mean I guess it's good for me to stay here with you then with mom or dad, I still feel like a child sometimes around them and their fighting..." His conversation was cut short as a rustle made him jump into a protective kneeling stance in front of Naniko, skin twitching above his front teeth. As Simon's small body came into view happy and care free, Jazper instantly relaxed into a smile which only grew as the boy spoke. Plunking himself down back beside Naniko the large males mind was filled with the question: Why hadn't he caught the scent? Taking in another gust of air he looked to Naniko with a snort, "I think I need something to clear up my nose..." Looking to Simon he smiled once more giving a playful growl. The boys energy boosted Jazper's as he grabbed the boy's small body under a large arm, rubbing a large fist into the pups sandy head careful not to hurt him. "Good luck with that lad!" He chuckled.


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