lost in the sound of separation
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/02.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I've had this reply written up for days, but only had the chance to post it now. Doesn't make it any less late though. =/


He was staring quietly out the window when Savina stirred beside him, his gaze darting toward her as she spoke. He offered her an apologetic half-smile at her words. “Sorry,” he said, shifting in his chair. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” His smile became warmer at the sight of her own. But then she spoke again, her words hesitant and apologetic and her gaze avoided him. His smile faltered slightly and he sat up straighter in his chair, his amber gaze never leaving her.

“You have nothing to apologize for, Savina. It’s alright.” She had been through a traumatic experience; it was understandable that she would be a little distant with those close to her. He got that. What he really didn’t understand, though, was that his sister had begun opening up again these past few weeks, speaking more often with their pack mates, and yet she had still remained rather closed off toward him, at least regarding her accident. He felt that he may be the only one kept in the dark about whole ordeal, and he hated to admit it, but it hurt. The two of them were always so close, yet during these last few weeks it felt like they were starting to slip apart a little. His continual disappearing act probably wasn’t helping either.

Ehno dismissed the thoughts, putting on a smile for the benefit of both of them. He leaned toward her bedside, reaching for her hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. “You’re looking much better,” he said, taking their conversation in a slightly different direction. He wouldn’t outright ask her about what happened again. The Italian boy had tried it a number of times when she first stumbled back to the pack lands like this, but it was no use. Ehno knew his sister would talk to him about it when she was ready to do so. Until then, he was willing to wait, helping her in any way he could.

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