You Tell Me

300+ ... Alexey's a loser. xD

Dalhousie University had always been off limits for Alexey; until now, that is. The ability to shift was something she’d only recently acquired: opening doors and manipulating objects were actions that she’d never executed before, up until a few weeks ago. And even now, she still had a hard time coordinating her movements. Putting one paw in front of the other was a lot simpler than trying to keep your balance on two legs. Often enough, she found herself staring at her feet to make sure she wouldn’t end up falling on her face. It was hard work, especially with all the ice and snow covering the ground. She’d slipped a grand total of six times that day, earning her a few bruises here and there. The Circèe could only hope that all this slipping and falling wasn’t all for nothing.

She was treading carefully along one of the university’s main walls, occasionally pressing her hand against the rocky mass to keep her stability when she heard a voice from around the corner. "Is family supposed to be this screwed up?" Alexey couldn’t help but let a light-hearted chuckle escape her maw. It seemed she wasn’t the only one with family issues. The tawny woman quickened her pace the best she could until she reached the end of the wall. Poking her head around the corner, she finally laid eyes on the troubled soul. Her resemblance to the Dahlian Lillium was striking, but Alexey simply brushed it off thinking that the chocolate femme standing there was a sister of his. “Hey!” she called out, maneuvering herself around the corner while holding onto the wall for support.

There was a lot of ice in the area, but she did everything in her power to keep from falling and making an ass out of herself. Lexey smiled sheepishly as she inched closer to the other female. She was almost there, thank god.

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