drawing waves on the pavement

She prodded at the form of the starfish with her nose. The little spikes on its body tickled her nose and put a warm smile on her face. Back in Italy she had spent lots of time on the beach with her mother and siblings. Playing in the surf, digging up shells and seaweed, toying with the crabs and gulls. Whenever they had been lucky enough to find a starfish it had been an inordinately special treat. Mother had told them that the sea creatures would bring them good luck. Whether that had been true or not was debatable, but Savina still liked to think it. She made a note in her mind where the star fish was. She wanted to take it home and show Kansas. Had he ever seen one before? If not he would soon.

Emerald orbs drifted over the other trinkets that were housed here. There were vast amounts, and all had something to do with the ocean. It made her feel at home and calm. Almost like she was surrounded by dear friends. Shells of every shape and color hung from all places. There was a glass box filled with perfectly intact and pristine sand dollars. Pictures with dolphins hung on the walls. Shark's jaws were on display. There was even a shelf with shark's teeth. Those would be fun to bring home too! Maybe some of the pups would like them. Haven surely would, she imagined.

As someone else unexpectedly entered the building the wolfess turned to see if it were anyone she knew. They both sized each other up for a few moments. There was something familiar about her, but what was it? It wasn't until the other exclaimed her name that she was able to connect the dots. "Alexey!" Savina had never seen the Dahlian female shifted before. That had been why it had been difficult to place her. "It's been a while! How have you been?" Her tail waved happily from side to side. They had switched places. This time it was her who had taken a recent beating. Though the cuts were now scars that were slowly beginning to be hidden by her midnight coat.


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