sifting through history books

Flick wasn't sure if it was just because she'd come to all the right (or wrong) places, but this was the second strange forest she'd come across. The trees creaked and croaked everytime the wind blew even the tiniest amount, and she nearly feared that some of them would come crashing down on top of her. They were old, those trees, and she wondered just how old they were. Had they been around from the beginning of the earth? Flick doubted that, but she figured it couldn't be too far from the truth. She'd come across an old burnt cabin, and was now poking through things, wondering just what had happened here.

It had clearly been somebody's home at one time, but she could only guess who. Her mother and father had been the only others she'd ever really lived with, and that was almost a year ago that she'd left them to themselves. It wasn't because she hated them or they'd hated her—it had simply been her time to go out in the world and make it on her own. There she crouched, sifting through and picking at the remains of the cabin that had once been somebody's home.


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