drag me down
When Savina turned up on the scene, Salem started crying harder. How he had gotten out there suddenly didn't really matter to him, but rather getting caught. Surely there would be a reprimand for being out there, surely he would be in a lot of trouble in a matter of time. But he tried to compose himself, tried to pay attention to what she was calling out to him. At first everything betrayed him and he only sat out on the ice and cried harder again, but eventually he put one icy foot out from another and pulled himself along. Every touch of the ice burned the bottom of his feet, though by that point he was really crawling than walking. Walking on the ice, at least as uncoordinated as he still was, seemed impossible.

Shivering more with every antagonising moment it took to get closer to Savina, Salem wanted to stop. Even though he was so close to being within her reach, he just wanted to stop right there and wad himself up to find some sort of way of retaining any little shred of warmth he could get. His crying stopped, only to be replaced with a mix of whimpering and whining both and for far too many reasons. He wasn't sure if he was close enough for her to grab him or not, but at that point he wasn't sure he wanted to get that close. He wanted to be warm, but he thought certain he would be in so much trouble for getting stuck out on the ice even when it wasn't his fault. Folding his ears back and tucking away into fearful submission, he stopped abruptly, not sure of just what would happen next.

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