Ouch, I have lost myself
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He cocked his head and let out a small portion of honest confusion when he heard the female’s next words. She tried he was here to take away the child? He made sure his amusement did not reach his face, but kept his usual mask on. If he had wanted to take her, he would simply have done so and then be on his way. He was disappointed, Deuce should know him better than this, and he silently pondered if the child had broke off the two adults’ ties forever. It was a shame, because Deuce had been someone he had trusted and appreciated, and there were so extremely few of those. The white female stepped further back, and he got his first proper look on the little child on the floor. He could not think of any male that could fit better than himself on the list of possible biological sires. She had the extra intensity in her amazingly blue eyes, and there were few with the same coat as Haku.


Willow Soul. His lips curved slightly upwards. Deuce had given her daughter his own surname, and with that, it would have proved hard to attempt to deny the fact that he was connected to this child. It was.. almost sweet in a way though, he had to give her that. He lowered his neck and stared at the child with his face at the same height as the child’s. The child’s basic looks reminded him so much of his eldest daughter that he was sure he never would see again. It was almost painful, because it brought back memories that were better off forgotten. The Lilium of Dahlia had changed, though, and his self control had improved. He was not free any longer, and could not let the demon out to play as in the past. There were rules here, and he would not jeopardize himself unless the need overtook him.


He licked his lips slowly, and his ears flickered gently with mild interest as he heard the child’s voice for the first time. ”I am not here to take her from you.” The male said soothingly. ”I’m sorry about the boy.” Both had been given the Soul surname. How had Lucifer reacted to that? A constant reminder of Haku, how could that be good for his mood? Haku very well knew that if Firefly had carried another man’s litter, he would have killed the spawn as soon as they were born, and he would probably have killed Firefly as well. He hoped he never would have to face such a decision, because it would underline how much of a hypocrite he really was. This gave him an excellent reason to be concerned for the child.


”You gave her my surname.” His smile widened slightly, and he kept his gaze on the pale female with the bi-coloured eyes. He missed what they had had together, and the scent of Lucifer saddened him slightly. Maybe he did care for her more than he had realized. He was confused, though. Why was she here on her own? He decided to not start with his questions yet. He wanted her to calm down first.


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