drawing waves on the pavement

A vague feeling of satisfaction surged through her mind. She hadn’t stopped to think that Savina might not remember her after all these months, and luckily she didn’t have to. Despite her slight hesitation, the obsidian lady eventually uttered the right name. Lexey let out a relieved sigh, pleased to find out that she hadn’t been forgotten. There was something serene about the Crimson Dreams wolfess; it was no secret that Alexey enjoyed the times she’d spent with her. During their last encounter, the Circèe had played the role of the damsel in distress, and Savina had provided the warmth and comfort she’d needed without thinking twice about it. To this day, she still couldn’t quite understand why she’d chosen Savina over her closer friends that day. Regardless of what had pushed her to seek out the obsidian lass in particular, Lexey now knew that it had been the right decision.

Smiling softly, the Koios femme gladly provided a reply to the question thrown her way. “I’ve been doing okay. I left for a little while to go visit my mother and just recently came back. A lot has changed. My siblings joined Dahlia de Mai, though I’m not too thrilled about that,” she said a little too honestly. Truth was, she didn’t mind having Sankor around. What puzzled her most were Adelaida’s motives. “Enough about me though! What’s new with you?” she said, saffron-colored eyes scrutinizing the woman’s now healing wounds.


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