drawing waves on the pavement

It was good to see that the tawny girl had recovered since their last meeting. She hadn't been in horrible physical shape, but she had seemed deeply rattled emotionally. But now she appeared to very happy and content. It was a nice change to see take place. Savina reclined back to her haunches as they began to talk, nodding her head at Alexey's words. The mention of her siblings brought back the memory of her not-so-pleasant encounter with the other Koios girl. How strange that she had decided to join a pack. Even more so that she had been accepted. "With a sister like that, I can't say I blame you..." If her friend hadn't shown that apprehension in the matter, she wouldn't have said such a thing. It wasn't her place to go bad-mouthing someone's blood. But Adelaida had left a very bad taste in her mouth.

The Marino felt her companion's eyes on the scars that ran over her legs and chest. It was easy for her to tell when someone else was looking at them for she herself had studied her physique critically all too often. She decided to avoid the topic unless directly questioned though. If Alexey asked then she wouldn't keep it from her, but she had spent the better part of a month climbing out of the hole she had put herself in. "Oh, not too much. Still helping Naniko run Crimson Dreams, keeping an eye on the pups, border duties, all that sort of thing." A warm, somewhat sheepish smile crept onto her lips. "I...do have a mate now though." Kansas was the man of her dreams. Thinking about him always made her smile.


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