lost in the sound of separation
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Yay! Big Grin 300+

Ehno didn’t realize how harsh he may have sounded until he saw the tears in his sister’s eyes and heard her frantic apology. He didn’t notice wounded look on his features until he saw Savina’s reaction, and everything hit him like a brick. He had never meant to make her cry, or make it seem like she was at fault. Ehno had let his feelings from being kept in the dark get the better of him, and now he had made a fool of himself. Her words were filled with such raw emotion, and he knew that he wasn’t the only one hurting. No, compared to what Savina was feeling now, Ehno’s own sadness seemed like nothing.

He hated to see her like this. His heart ached to see such anguish in her tear-strained features. It was obvious that this was an incredibly difficult situation for her, and he was slowly beginning to understand why she may have kept it to herself all this time. He got up quickly from his chair and sat beside her on the bed. He tenderly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tried to pull her close. He may not have completely understood or accepted her shocking revelation just yet, but he was going to be there for her now. Ehno had to be strong for his sister in her moments of weakness. He knew she would do the same for him.

“Non dire ciò. Lei non è un mostro, Savina.” In his distress he didn’t even realize that he had fallen back into his native language. “Lei è forte. So che lei è. Lei può prendere dopo questo.” As he noticed the familiar Italian words, he realized that they helped calm him, reminding him of home and of happier times. Maybe it would do the same for her.

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