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Why and how do 80% of all the people I have threads with reply so amazingly fast! You crazy active people! 700+


He took time to study the long lost daughter. So alike, such delicate blue eyes and the slightly unusual colour of warm brown. She brought back memories he had hoped never do dig into again. The small part of him that could still feel again felt a vague regret for ruining his first born daughter’s life. She pulled her slender legs close up to her body, but she did not desperately crawl in blind fear anymore, and therefore his large frame slightly relaxed. If she just could have shut her goddamn mouth, then they would not have had such a rough start. He did not know his daughter as he used to, but he had a nasty feeling she would share the horrible info with everyone who cared and more. He had knocked her confidence and bravery away, but was it possible she still had it and tried to punish him by revealing his most ugly act as of yet for the pack?

They both waited for something to happen before Coli broke and spoke. He mentally frowned by the –ie added on the Aunt part, She sounded like a little child. So Mew had already met her. Goddamn, fuck. Haku’s gaze darkened slightly if still possible. Vomit stung in his nostrils. Haku had not changed, not really. Much had been rearranged up in his head, but the core was the same poisonous venom. This place was making him better in many ways, learning to control his impulses and killings. It kept him in line. It gave the male further mental issues and aching of many kinds, it made him miserable. It still worked, that was why it was worth it. He watched as she sucked her bloody lip and stared at him, remembered one time long ago when he had smacked her so hard that it had burst open and leaked like a small stream.

"Full of stories, that auntie Mew. " He pressed out between slightly parted jaws. He could not rage about Mew’s treason because the pale sister of his was not aware that she had done something horrible. It was true though, his sane part did regret that he had hurt her, and the little locked up child would always cry in misery as the bad flashes of images flashed about inside his skull. Still the demon controlled everything, but not while it slept. "Why are you here?" Such questions were bound to come. His guess was that it was a heroic attempt to come save Cercelee from his madness blah blah blah go cry in a corner emo girl.

He took a threatening step forward, a silent warning not to try anything if she wanted to get up from that floor ever. This was the only opportunity the male would grant himself. Cercelee was sure to hear about this, because his daughter was a little child, running to the one in charge to vent about those horrible boys that called her name and pushed her. After everything he had done for this fucking pack, and Cercelee still strode about and believed she was a righteous Goddess. He was disappointed with the leader. What he had done was horrible, but he had been her faithful Lilium for a long time now, and he had given her proof of his dedication to both her and this pack. He had changed, he was calm, and he did a good job. Yet, when the ugly past had been proved (and he knew Cercelee always had her own idea of what had happened) and the lost girl was back, she went bananas.

He knew some of the scars would not fade to nothing. Cercelee had given him constant reminders of her childish rage because of something he had done in the past. The urge to go after the Rosea one day was present, but right now there was nothing to do. He would not be fucked about any longer though, and if Cercelee did not get it, then he would make that clear. She expected fucking respect and loyalty? Then she had to give him the same thing. He had given up his old ways for her, while all he had received was suspicion, doubt and now physical marks.


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