lost in the sound of separation

No longer could she hold in the sobs that will building up inside her, so she let them out. Thankfully the blanket she had her face buried in helped to muffle them. Savina was not a drama queen, and she absolutely hating making a scene like this. But she was also a creature that was guided heavily by her emotions and when she felt something so strongly it was impossible for her to hide it. The girl felt awful. It hadn't been her intent to make her brother feel bad, to drive a wedge between them. Ehno and her had always been so close, able to finish each other's sentences when they were pups. Oh, how at times she longed for those days. Being young and without a care in the world. Having their mother again. Being one big happy family. But she loved it here too. With Ehno here and Amata gone, Italy held nothing for her anymore.

It was such a relief when her loving sibling came and wrapped his arms around her that immediately she pressed herself against him; resting her face against his chest. It was as if during this conversation that fear of losing him had taken hold of her again. Now that they had physical contact those scares were mostly abated. Her breathing was deep and heavy, attempting to level herself out again. When he spoke in the language of their birth, it did a great deal to sooth her as well. "Sì. È appena duro. Mi spaventa." Those fears were lessened ever since she had gotten help from Lubomir, but they were still there. "Non ho mai significato per dolerla. Non terrò niente da lei di nuovo. Prometto." Risking her bond with her brother was something she never wanted to do. "L'amo il fratello."


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