lost in the sound of separation
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The Italian boy was comforted by the fact that his sister didn’t pull away and continue to put all of this onto herself. When he felt her tears spill onto his chest, the situation seemed to hit him again, more strongly than before. He felt sympathy and sadness for his sister flood his heart, and he pulled her closer. He tenderly rubbed one hand against her back in an attempt to soothe her. Their contact made the situation seem much less frightening, his fear and guilt quickly fading. Though he was almost afraid let her go, part of him worried that she would hide her fears and problems from him again. But he trusted his sister to remain open with him, so when her breathing began to steady and her sobs mostly subsided, he loosened his hold on her a bit, gazing down at her as she began to speak.

He smiled softly at her promise, relieved and comforted by her words. He knew she never meant to hurt him with her secrecy. He was glad that they were moving past this misunderstanding of theirs and, hopefully, coming out of it with their bond strengthened. Ehno didn’t trust anyone as much as his sister, and he was relieved to find that they weren’t slipping apart after all. He loved her so dearly that the mere thought that he was falling away from her stung his heart bitterly. But now he was filled with relief that his scare was only a scare, and nothing more. Ehno nuzzled her gently, pulling her into a closer and more comfortable embrace. “Sono contento,” he whispered softly to her. “Saremo sempre qui per l'un l'altro, vero? Nessuno bisogno dei segreti.” They could count on each other to be understanding, to always help one another out. “L'amo anche.”

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