Leave Now and Never Come Back

OoC: Words: 400+
I have no life; that's how I've been pulling it off lately. xD Rambling post!

He sneered at her, emphasizing the childish title she had blurted. It wasn't like she had expected him to break down and apologize to her, saying that Mew had been telling the truth; still, the mocking tone stung her, just as Svara had done at the borders. Full of stories, yes, her aunt was the one full of stories. Smoldering silently behind her glittering gaze, Coli remained on the snowy ground as he took a threatening pace forward. What, was he going to step on her? She was still a hypocrite, though, unable to spit the venomous taunts aloud. She could merely imagine his face when she learned how to mouth off again...

"...You want to know why I came here, Father?" she hissed, her voice low and soft. He could growl and shout all he wanted; she wasn't going to raise her voice. Besides, her throat burned with bile, rendering her tones hoarse and weak. "I got word of a new pack, one that Cercelee was in charge of. I heard that she got to boss you around, and I wanted to see that in person." Of course that was bravado, or else she wouldn't have panicked at the sight of him, but she assumed the loss of control would rankle the aggressive man. Everyone had told her he had stayed here for a long time - something that was against his wild and vicious nature. She felt a sick thrill, being able to stare into those mirror-pool eyes so much like her own. Would her own countenance radiate hatred and insanity when she reached his age? By herself, she was calm, gentle, even hopeful for her future. When threatened, though, as she felt now, there was something... unpleasant, that began to stir in her defense. It was nothing she could mention to Cercelee, or Mew, or Alexey, or any of the pure-hearted women that had welcomed her with open arms. If anyone could tell her how to stop it from turning her to the darkness, well... it would have to be Haku himself.

Once again her eyes strayed to the fresh gouges marring her sire's rugged frame. Maybe they were a gift from the capricious Firefly, after she toddled home with Svara? Knowing that he was restraining himself from slaughtering her because of his duties gave her a small safety net, enough for her to mutter, "Did you even plan on taking a mate, or did you get forced to when you found out she was knocked up?"


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