lost in the sound of separation
Maybe start to wrap this up? That way we can be ready for when she tells him she's preggers!

Warmth slowly began to seep back into her chest. This whole thing had been frightening, more so than she had even expected. She had been taking their strong bond for granted. While she truly believed that it would always be there, she now knew better than to treat it as such. Just as with any relationship, even though stronger than most, it needed to be handled with care. With trust and respect. Unknowingly she had neglected that. Now, just as with all the other mistakes she had made in the past few weeks, she would make sure to the best of her ability not to let them happen again. For her own benefit, but mostly for those that she loved so dearly.

Savina nuzzled her brother back, reveling in their closeness. Their relationship had made her whole from the moment they had been born. She had hated to be parted from him when he had left their birth pack. Now that he was here she never wanted him to leave. Of course he would always have that wandering spirit in him. She simply hoped that he would always chose to come back here and not to stray for too long. "Certo. Nessuni più segreti." The girl took another deep breath and let it out slowly. Once again she had returned to her normal calm and relaxed state. Reaching up she lovingly licked the side of his face. "Noi Marinos deve conficcare insieme fino alla fine, sì? Soprattutto in queste terre strane." That last part had been tinted with humor. While different from Italy, they weren't that strange.


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