drawing waves on the pavement

Honey-hued eyes widened in surprise as the dark lass made a rather bold comment about Adelaida. She definitely hadn’t expected Savina to know who her sister was. But it seemed Ade had done quite a lot of ‘socializing’ during Lexey’s absence, obviously earning more enemies in the process. Firefly had it made it clear that she disliked Adelaida’s attitude, and now Savina was about to do the same. How many people had her sibling offended? Shaking her head in an apologetic manner, the tawny girl finally spoke up. “I’m sorry if she said anything out of line. She’s a little insecure around people in general.” The Circèe lowered her gaze to the floor, remembering how Adelaida had reacted when she’d found out that Alexey was a Luperci too. “Should see the way she treats me now. It’s like I have some kind of contagious disease or something.”

Savina’s good news was enough to lighten the mood though. The twinkle in her eyes when she spoke of her mate was beautiful to watch. Alexey hadn’t exactly experienced true love yet, but the brief romance that had occurred between her and Aiden Oriel had definitely been special. The Dahlian girl suddenly brought her hand up to touch her triskele necklace, noting that Savina had a pretty one too. “Congratulations honey! Did he give you that necklace?”


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