drawing waves on the pavement

Now that the words were out she felt a bit sorry for it. That really wasn't like her at all, to talk ill of anyone. But the annoyance and anger and hurt that Adelaida had brought to the surface had just reentered her mind. They had been having a perfectly pleasant conversation until she had gone off and starting throwing harmful names around. Savina's temper was pretty hard to rise, but once it was it was a force to be reckoned with. The Italian fey shook her head.
"No, there's no need for you to be sorry. None of that is your fault." Alexey wasn't her sister's keeper, nor should she be. One eyebrow raised at her friend's next words. Now, that was very peculiar.
"A contagious disease? You mean one that she already has." It made her upset that she would act that way towards her own sister, especially when she herself was a luperci as well. What a hypocritical coward.

As she was congratulated she felt her cheeks grow hot beneath her inky fur. She really wasn't one to go around tooting her own horn, but somehow this was different. It wasn't as if she were trying to brag or rub it in. It had been such a sudden and special thing that she couldn't help but to share it. Savina had, while always wanting one, never really thought that she would ever find a mate. The damage her sire had done to her confidence in males had been grave. But Kansas was almost the opposite of Serge in every way. "Thank you! Yes, he made this for me. I never take it off. It helps remind me of him even when we aren't together." With the necklace, she always had his love close to her heart. Her eyes scanned up to where Alexey's hand had went. "That's an interesting design. Was that a gift from someone?"


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