Take a chance
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She seemed to grant him allowance to see their children. After all, he was only their own father, so it seemed he wouldn’t have many rights unless she felt particularly nice. Even though he had not wanted the children, now they were here and he would deal with that dreadful fact. The thought of Deuce’s litter had not been worthy of anything at all, but when he had seen the blue eyed child called Willow Soul, he had felt okay knowing she existed. He would probably get used to these two boys as well. Boys just like him, and he wondered if they too one day would wake up with a voice in their head, screaming for blood and misery.

They looked even uglier closer up, but Haku kept his mask and refused to let it falter to deliver a frown directed to the little.. things. His ears flickered uneasy as the growl rose so close to his ear. He heard the words and realized that she still was not finished. He had tried, he tried. His fighter spirit was empty. He did not want to go through this any longer. He knew things were his fault, but they had children and those things needed to be taken care of. Also, she was in his cottage, and he would not leave. He gritted his teeth silently and got up on all four again. He was tired. The male left the room and padded towards the kitchen, determined to find a piece of deer. Comfort eating was cool.


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